Finding God Today

As on most Thursdays, I went for a walk this morning to spend time with God and pray for this city. It was difficult to get out for my walk today. It was rainy, my knees were aching, and after a busy week of meetings and a lot of details on my mind, I was tired. Six and a half miles just seemed a very long way. But, I got dressed, got myself out the door, and started walking.

One of my meetings this week was with a small group talking about intimacy with God, and I wanted so much to feel some of that closeness today. A couple of miles in, I had been praying, but if I’m honest, it was one of those dry sorts of prayer times where I trust my words and steps are making some sort of difference while it feels like they are all just hitting the ground and doing nothing. I finally told God that I needed to encounter Him today in that walk.

Almost immediately, this small voice in my head or heart seemed to say, “you will encounter me in others.” I realized then that I had been walking and “praying” for the city, but instead of making time to ask people along the way whether they needed prayer or simply saying hello, my mind had been occupied by my own thoughts.

As I started noticing the people on the pathway, I did sense God’s nearness, I saw Him in the sweet couple I asked for prayer requests and their surprise and thought-filled response. He was in the smiles of the young girl learning to stay upright on her rollerblades and the woman helping in the effort as I said a simple “well done” in passing. He was in the eyes of all those who responded to a smile or nod or “hello” along the way.

By the end of my walk, my legs were tired and sore, I was a bit wet and cold (nothing a cuppa and hot shower couldn’t fix), and my heart was full. There are still details in my mind that will need to be sorted in the coming week or two. There are still tasks to be done and meetings to be had (on zoom). But I am more at peace, finally letting go of trying to sort all the details on my own and watching to see how God will show up and sort it all.

I went for a walk today hoping that God would show up and speak to me about things. I met Him along the way, not in the way I had hoped for, but in the way I needed. I was reminded to see Him in those around me, to see Him in the people of this city He loves so much, to remember that He is the One who brought me here, to pray the people here will see Him in me as well and be drawn into deeper intimacy with Him, to keep in mind that He hasn’t brought me this far to leave me sorting all the details by myself.

I had a good walk today (and came home to this).

One Reply to “Finding God Today”

  1. Aura

    God will always desire a personal relationship with each one of us. God desires for you to have communication with Him. But, how can you ignite conversation with the Almighty God? Through prayer, of course. You may also check my blog Powerful Steps to Finding God Thanks,


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