Finishing Is Just the Beginning

Live Your Story is here! I have held the book in my hands. I’ve signed a number of copies and sent them to new homes (though many still live at the foot of my bed, stacked in their boxes). After nearly seven years, the book I’ve poured hours into is completed.

It. Is. Finished.

Now, I’m realizing finishing is only the beginning, and the work is starting to feel like work. I like to write, and aside from a few days when writer’s block hit, I enjoyed the process of putting my story and thoughts on a page – or screen. (Editing is a different story, but I had a lot of help.)

As I learn to market and promote Live Your Story, I’m finding the tasks much more difficult – finding time to add to the website, planning a book launch and signing, remembering to post on my Facebook page, etc. I’m learning a lot, but I have far to go in the process of learning to sell books. A friend even told me recently that I could be employed for many things, but selling books isn’t one of them.

I’m beginning to realize one reason I’m struggling is the same old, ugly doubt that still sneaks in despite my attempts to keep it out – the doubt that what I have written is worthy of the attention, that my story will really make a difference to others.

Even as I typed those words, I recognized again how insidious the lies can be. The whole message of the book is how God can use our stories and our lives as we live them in relationship with Him. Of course my story can make a difference. So can yours.

Does it feel weird to hand over a book with my name on it and my photo on the back? Absolutely! Does it feel awkward to ask the recipient if they want it signed? Yes!

But this book was never my idea. As many times as I told God He was crazy and had chosen the wrong person for the task, He never let me give it up. I have to trust He knows what He is doing and will use my words to minister to others. And in order for the words to have an impact, they must be read.

Here’s to learning new things. The first lesson I must learn is: telling people about Live Your Story is not self-promotion. I don’t want people to read the words on the pages and see only me. My hope is people will find a deeper revelation of God and a deeper understanding of their own story in the pages. If promoting this book can be a small part in someone else’s journey of living their life with purpose, it is worth any amount of discomfort or learning it requires.

2 Replies to “Finishing Is Just the Beginning”

  1. J

    This book will occupy a very special place on my bookshelves reserved only for those that have earned a place in my heart. These few books are not on loan to anyone.
    Thank you for being such a faithful story teller Stephanie and such profound writing can only come about from having walked many miles with the master story teller.


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